03 April 2015

It's Happy Arrr!

Following Camila's steps, Matias also wanted to write a blog post. So, without further ado,  here it is...

On Monday we went to the Happy Arrr Show! We met a pirate named Captain Beanes who drunk Koolaid instead of rum. I found 2 doubloons, one gold one silver. Cami found 1 doubloon. We heard him sing. He wrote a love song for us and friends came. I had a sprite and the other kids had smoothies..We had a conch shell blowing test and I won for the kids because I got 8 seconds and I won a beer opener which is weird. He sang us a song like this:
"Yo ho watch em go,
rolling down,
the Sopers Hole"


Showing Captain Beanes the doubloons I found

All the kids singing with Captain Beanes

The kids from Skylark, Almost There and Taia on stage

Blowing the conch horn

Because I won, I was made a knight of the Pirates of the Caribbean!
We had the biggest table close to the stage!

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