03 October 2013

Our new routine

I talked to my grandma the other day and she said: "Aren't you tired of doing nothing all day long?". I laughed. Although is not the first time we were asked that same question. It's a common misconception to think that, because we're no longer working, we don't have anything to do. Well, believe it or not, we do!

What do we normally do?

I already covered in my previous post all the boat projects we've been working on. That usually takes up most of the day for Ernesto. He's always busy: fixing something that is broken, researching the best way to fix another thing, looking where to buy a spare part and finding the best price for it, etc. Even now, for example, he's replacing our cabin lights, while I write this post.

I, on the other hand, teach the kids school every morning. Ernesto will eventually join us too, but for now, that's entirely my responsibility. And I have to admit I enjoy it.
The rest of my time is spent doing mundane things: grocery shopping, laundry, preparing launch or dinner, cleaning the boat.

But every day we also try to do something fun together. Be it going to the swimming pool, playing a game together or going to a fun place. This week we finally decided to buy a kayak. The kids are super excited about it. And the grownups too :)

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